What’s News With Us? January 2022.
As we’re sipping on iced oat lattes in the middle of a sweltering January in Adelaide - we realise that we should get you up to date with what’s been happening with us. A couple years have nearly passed since our return to Australia - and while there have been moments where we’ve looked over our shoulder to think what if, we’ve come to the point where we wouldn’t change Adelaide for the world. We’re enamoured by our beautiful city and the beautiful people that live here. Let’s keep your abreast with what we’re up to for the start of the year.
New Website Design
As we announced a week or two back - we’ve redesigned our website 🎉 we’ve kept our minimalist black and white design in check enabling us to accentuate and place importance on the vibrant colours of our imagery. We’ve made the following updates:
Introduced our 3 core values - authenticity, kindness, social representation
Individualised portfolios
Added portraiture pricing
Expanded wedding package structures
Link to our Google reviews
Expanded FAQs
Updated pricing
If there’s anything you like/dislike about our new website, let us know. Always open to feedback.
Playing Lots of Golf
Shot on Google Pixel 🤣
Frankie took up playing golf in the middle of last year after many years of seeing me head out the door with my clubs to play twilight golf over the past 4 years or so. From time to time, she’d come out, have a hit or two, and then pack it in. But, she caught the golf bug. Fortunate for me - more golf!
Well, somewhat fortunate. She started taking lessons late last year - started really upping her game - and before I knew it - she’s already beaten me at a par 3. But as I like to remind myself (particularly after this loss), golf is about focusing on your own game…
I’m envisioning more golf trips away this year. And similarly, would love to start photographing some of South Australia’s golf courses - so if you have a connect - hook us up!
Navigating Postponements Due To Restrictions
We’ve had a slower start to 2022 than we would’ve liked. The SA restrictions introduced on Boxing Day have put limitations on guest attendances, and as such, have postponed and sometimes cancelled events. We’re saddened for our clients, not able to have the event that they were desiring and when they were wanting it.
Our spirits are still high despite everything going on. We know that we’ll all bounce back eventually. Time will tell. Silver lining - it’s allowed for more golf!
Refocusing Our Connectivity
Over the past year, it’s been easy enough for us to rest on our laurels due to lack of motivation with COVID and its effects. There’s been a magical kick to 2022 that has revved our engines once more. What this has lead to is the website redesign completion, concerted effort to get our blog pieces published, reconnecting with old friends, colleagues et al as well as focusing on the platforms we use.
If you have a creative vision for 2022 and want to work together, feel free to get in touch with us.
Shooting With New Gear
We’re really excited to start shooting more with our new Canon EOS R5. It’s one powerful piece of tech. Awesome for video, too! And similarly, getting our Mavic Pro drone out and about more this year.
That’s a quick overview of what’s happening and been happening with us to kick-off the new year. We’re excited with what else the new year will bring - with a lot of cool projects in the works. If you’d like to be a part of our year, working together, contact us today.