Adelaide Christmas Party Photography: Clinpath Pathology

Seeing as though we’re heading into an odd festive season this year, it’s about time to reflect on last year’s Christmas parties.

Instead of recounting and retelling Clinpath Pathology’s Christmas party at Plant 4 Bowden and spieling about Adelaide Christmas party photography and what made this event pop, I’m going to try to and predict how Christmas and end of year parties will go this year around in Adelaide at least.

1) Awkward greetings will be more awkward

2) Someone will drink a little bit too much during vertical consumption in kick-ons

3) There won’t be as many events - duh

4) Hand sanitiser will be plentiful

5) Someone will comment about the scent of the hand sanitiser

6) In the midst of it, a colleague will mention how nice it is to gather with so many people

7) Colleagues will reflect on how bad the US and UK is going with COVID

8) Talk about the knock-on effects of the US elections will be present

9) The preamble to the event will have to include a reminder to be socially-distanced

10) It’ll be a big sigh of relief for such a tough/odd/once-in-a-lifetime work year

They’re my thoughts. What are yours? If you’re not here for our take on the potential state of affairs for Christmas parties in Adelaide for 2020, and just want to see the photos, look below. But if you want to see our event photography packages, check that here. Or if you like what you see, get in touch.


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