Adelaide Proposal Photography: Joshua and Christina

Josh and Christina made their way down from Sydney to South Australia to bask in the sunset glory of Glenelg. Little did Chrissy know, Joshua had prearranged Frankie The Creative as their Adelaide proposal photographer. Once the evening had rolled around, we’d been in contact with Josh to make sure we knew what they looked like, what time they were arriving, and of course, where the proposal would be happening.

As the sun was about to set, we were ready camera in hand, as we saw Joshua and Christina approach the Glenelg jetty. Of course, we’re acting casually, shooting the waves, not to raise any kind of suspicion - but secretly keeping a third eye out, ready to capture the defining moment.

Only moments before the sun fell behind the horizon, we noticed Joshua reaching for his pocket and making his way down to one knee, a cue for us to turn from a tourist to Adelaide proposal photographer.

There’s not many fleeting special moments in life like a proposal. And to be asked to share that special moment with others is truly magical. So Joshua and Christina, thank you for allowing us to be there with you, and congratulations!

Oh, yeah, most importantly, she said ‘yes’, as you can tell by the images we’re sharing with you today.

Now that the proposal season is upon us, you may be thinking of popping the question over Christmas, New Year’s or the summer break. Or perhaps you know of someone who might be needing a little extra push. We have some reading material for you, or them, on how to plan the perfect proposal.

In the meantime, if you’re wanting to touch base and chat over your proposal plans, we’re all ears. Let’s chat today.


Adelaide Festival Photographer: Handpicked Festival 2019


Adelaide Baptism Photography: Felix